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Thursday, March 12, 2009

.: maybe. :.

perhaps one day..

u will realise that i love u so much.



9:23 PM

.: perished. :.

so this is the end.

end of me n u.

love sux.


9:04 PM

.: wallow in self pity :.

once we were separable.
we loved to be together.
and i tot i knew for sure.,
that we'd together.

remember, think of the good times. the good times is all it matters. wad's washed away is the sadness. the good things remains and will always remained.

i so wanted to believe in this..

sob... but im feeling so terrible after all u had said...

Let mi wallow in self pity


6:59 PM

.: . :.

its been the 4th day now..


4:14 PM

.: where are u? :.

i longed for u...

i longed for ya smile...

it's fading... slowly fading away...

we've got through so much...

n im sorry..

we've to let go now... everything tt we once shared..everything tt we used experienced together..


we get to know each other cos.... we are merely poly classmates...

in the beginning, we dun even knoe each other existed..

we dun chat....

u've got ya own circle of friends... n i've got mine too...


we're v different...we're are so different...

u are the good student.. whearas im the bad student..

be it tutorials..class work, or etc..

i dun pay attention in class... i dun do my work...i hate school.. i hate computers.. i hate to study the course that im not abit interested in... my studies are so damn lousy..

while on the other hand, u are all my opposite.. u like computers. u like the games.. u do well in studies.

teachers like u.. teachers find me a bother..


i recalled... u are always.. so quiet... u seem to be in ya own world.. u dun smile... u will alwaes wear the black jacket, sit at a corner with ya friends..either playing ya PSP or sleeping... had no idea if u did pay attention in class... even if u didnt, u will still score well....

but for me,

im always there, chatting with friends in class....laughing and smiling... im more active in my CCAs rather than studies... campus concerts and all..




why am i writing all this??!!

it's over.

accept it.

move on.


3:13 PM

.: snowman. :.

mr snowman..

u will stay with me rite?

eat with me.. listen to me.. cheer mi up..


3:05 PM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

.: u're drunk. :.

when i see ya sms.. saying tt u are drunk...

im so worried...

i called ya friend. making sure u are well taken of.

saying tt im heartless or wadever...

i dun care..

though tears rolling down my cheeks uncontrollably , i must still say.

i have to leave u...

im sorry.

stop calling mi huhu............... stop sending all those sms to me.

u knoe it;s over..

so dun do this to me..


9:51 PM

.: pain :.

i had already make up my mind that .....

i should'nt have called him..

he is safe.. with his friends..... but

why my itchy hands have to give him a call ??!!!!!!!!!!!

why... i tot i already make up my mind

not to sms or call him alr so that he can forget mi easier...

i should be harsher..

ya. its for his own good.

i have to do the extreme although it will hurt him so much..

i cant sms or call him..

i must control.

i should be harsher.. i should ignore him totally ...



9:14 PM

.: love :.

wad is love?

love is too hard for mi to comprehend.

he went; i wasnt ready.
i suppose one never is.
i wept, my heart so heavy.
full of pain so desolate.

yet all the while a distant thought
was welling up inside me
my pain was building walls
wherein my heart could hide.

safe from the place of no more smiles
no clever spoken lines
no reading of each other's thoughts.
no warm hands soft in mine.

no truer gift could be bestowed,
nor could it have been script
for all in these walls were stored with jewels
of the times we once had..


5:31 PM

.: home alone. :.

home alone..


is all i could ever felt.


i miss u..it's been 3 days now... n i still feel the pain....

but . im glad that u have plenty of friends to accompany u.

at least....

they will help u more or less...

to stop u from broading over the past.


3:31 PM

.: lost. :.

the world's so big
i cant help by feeling lost....


u deserve some1 better.. u yrself knoe it, dont u?

so dun cry.. dry ya tears... i feel so pain whenever i see u cry..


u'll stand up soon..


11:45 AM

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

.: it 's over :.

every night, i dream of losing u..
n when i woke up today...
i realised tt the dream is true.


10:07 PM

.: bleak. :.

once upon a time..

somebody asked me, " why did u stop blogging? update leh.. let us knoe abt yr life... etc."

i replied with a smile and said,

"well, why do i had to waste my time blogging...when i could spend the time enjoying n spending every minute of my time with someone i loved so dearly...."


sounds cocky rite? lolx..im proud to have that special someone..if i need a listening ear or someone to confide to... cosi knoe he will always be there for me..

in other words, the main reason that i blogged is because i can vent my emotions anytime and anytime i need a listening ear.. or somebody to confide to...

that is why mostly all the things i blogged are either v sad or v happy....

perhaps u can guess why i blogged suddenly?

because at this point of time.. on 9th of march...

mi n him ended our love for each other..

it's over..


4:37 PM

Saturday, August 23, 2008

.: random :.

im starting to realise how small my world is.
perhaps not everyone is as nice as they appear to be,
and not all girls are so, innocent..

im just not used to facing bitchy ones,
i thought they'll never exist in my pretty lala land.

i hate myself for being so insecured,
yet, im tired of guessing
seeing the true self that they actually were ...


some people are just SO interested in others' relationship..

they only know how to comment & judge on others instead of themselves..

talking as if they are some love GURU .


how ironic.

i wonder how pple can get into a relationship when they are unsure of wad they truly want or who they truly love or do they love each other in the first place? or is it one sided? or love because of the sake of wanting a companion? or just because they dun wan to be lonely?

just dun understand and curious that

wad does love means to them?

and how do they define love?



10:17 PM

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

.: ~peace~ :.

im so disappointed and hurt of you.....felt sorry for myself.........to think that tt i trusted and confided the wrong person all along. ... no matter wad thanks for listening to my sorrows and sadness the previous time.

now, pls stop messing n interfering with my life.

and i'll be thankful for that.



4:02 PM

Thursday, July 31, 2008

.: reflections :.


everyone is experiencing the same situation...

pple feeling angry..

pple feeling sad...

pple feeling hurt...

pple feeling betrayed...

pple feeling... etc.. etc.. etc...

haiz... :(

why couldnt the world be a happier place to live in??

why couldnt we be free from all the quarrelling, hatred or wadsoever ??

being humans, as always,

we will think of other's faults.

blaming other pple for wad they had said and done.

on the other hand,


we never reflect on our actions, our speech and etc..

perhaps we should just let go of unhappy stuffs and

be magnanimous,

be forgiving,

and stop pursuing on who's right or who's wrong...

cos if we do

it's never-ending....

we are humans....
and no human is perfect..


jessica, dont be affected by ya classmates... be it, they are venomous or pretentious or wadsoever...dont be sad or angry or hurt.. try to be magnanimous...and perhaps. everything will be okay , the next day.. at least, you still got me, i still got u.. that's all it matters.. im lucky to have u as my closest friend in poly.... MUACKS :) i love u .


5:46 PM

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

.: *Magnanimous* :.


1. generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness: to be magnanimous toward one's enemies.

2. high-minded; noble: a just and magnanimous ruler.
3. proceeding from or revealing generosity or nobility of mind, character, etc.: a magnanimous gesture of forgiveness


oh well,

relates everything to my dear uncle,

unhappy stuffs that happened over the past weeks...

be it quarrels, schoolwork or etc..

all he did was

gave me one word

n that word is



ya. i should be forgiving

and not to give a damn over silly and childish stuffs ..




11:08 PM


; the innocent

*10 April 88*
*NYP-IT-0605,IT-0611* *emotional,sensitive,wilful*

*[[____ Loves....(: `-//*

*my beloved, Jerold*
*my darling, Jessica*
*my secondary school buddies*
*going to the beach*
*Chocolate fondue,ice-creams,cakes,apple strudel*
*sports, dancing, singing, shopping,chatting,photo-taking*
*collecting seashells,listening to music,watching movies & sunrise*

*[[____ Hates... :( `-//*

*horror movies*
*reptiles,esp lizards & insects*

*[[____ my WishList ((: `-//*

*Guess Bag*
*Make-up kit*
*a digital camera*
*a bigger wardrobe*
*pple around mi to be happy*
*everyone to be healthy*
*adopt an african kid when i can afford*

; the sexehs

^-*ChunChen kor*-^
^-*SIT CLUB*-^
^-*Weishan,OGL senior*-^

; down the memory lane

x[June 2006]x
x[July 2006]x
x[August 2006]x
x[September 2006]x
x[October 2006]x
x[December 2006]x
x[January 2007]x
x[February 2007]x
x[March 2007]x
x[April 2007]x
x[May 2007]x
x[June 2007]x
x[July 2007]x
x[August 2007]x
x[September 2007]x
x[October 2007]x
x[November 2007]x
x[December 2007]x
x[January 2008]x
x[February 2008]x
x[April 2008]x
x[May 2008]x
x[June 2008]x
x[July 2008]x
x[August 2008]x
x[March 2009]x

; credits

; j-wen
; gettyimages
; brushes
; blogskins
; blogger